Digital Planner Pages
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Free Digital Planner Pages in The Garden

I’m trying my hand at something totally new for me – digital planners! I had started a class on Skillshare from Liz Kohler Brown on making digital planner pages about a year or so ago. Something recently caught my eye with planners and I thought they were so cute. I’ve often wanted to use a paper planner, but the closest thing I used was Trello. Which is great for other things in my little side hustle business, but not as a planner. I’m not known for being organized and I thought it was high time I tried to get more on track with things. And being I do most things on my iPad, I figured digital planners are the way to go.

So, I started taking Liz’s class again and am only half-way through it, but decided these cute pages would be nice to offer to my email subscribers in The Garden. These have a watercolor look in a loose, fun style and have each day of the week in individual .pdf form. They are “to do” lists with “Need to do”, “Want to do”, and “Ought to do” sections. You can print them out to reuse or they work fine in Goodnotes. I’ve only just started using Goodnotes so I’m still learning the ropes. But, I would think they would work in any other similar program.

I’ve been dipping my toes into making a digital planner, so we’ll see how that goes down the road. But I enjoyed making these in Liz’s class, so I hope you can use them. They are for personal use only and are a gift from me to my email subscribers.

If you’re not a subscriber feel free to subscribe to get various goodies in The Garden. You will receive a password to get access to the freebies. I won’t bombard your inbox as I typically only send out emails every month or so.

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